Metal Glossary
Copper Metal Glossary (C)
Cartridge Brass
A 'straight' 70% Copper / 30% Zinc brass with excellent cold forming and deep-drawing properties. So called because it was originally used deep-draw cartridge cases it now has a wide range of industrial applications, particularly if severe deformation, such as spinning or flanging, in involved. Arsenical Brass may be preferred because of its superior corrosion resistance.
Casting, Ingot Casting
The pouring of molten metal into a mould or die where it is allowed to solidify. When solidified, the resultant 'casting' takes on the shape and approximate dimensions of the mould. Examples • Ingot for forging or other hot working • Intermediate uses include extrusion billets, slabs for rolling, forging blanks. • End use: valve body.
Comité Européen de Normalisation, aka European Committee for Standardisation. The body responsible for developing European Standards, often referred to as ‘Euro-Norms or EN for short.
A Sulphide ore of Copper with the chemical formula Cu2S. It is a highly valued ore since it approaches 80% Copper by weight.
An important ore of Copper. It is a Copper Iron Sulphite with the chemical formula CuFeS2.
Common Brass
A very widely used brass containing 63% Copper plus 37% Zinc. It is also known as CZ108, Basis Brass and 63/37 Yellow Brass. It can be hot or cold worked, has good ductility permitting cold heading of wire and rods and cold presswork but not deep drawing.
Converting Process
The process which transforms Copper Matte into Blister Copper. By reacting the Matte with Oxygen enriched air and silica slags both the Iron and Sulphur are removed leaving Copper metal of 98% purity known as Blister Copper.
Related terms: Chalcopyrite
Copper Cathode, Cathode Copper
The Copper, of at least 99.9% purity, produced by electrolytic refining. It is the feedstock for melting most Copper alloys and their subsequent manufacturing processes.
Copper Matte
The mixture of Copper and Iron Sulphides which is the feedstock to the Converting Process that turns Chalcopyrite ore into Blister Copper.
Related terms: Chalcopyrite, Converting Process, Matte
The tendency of a metal to flow or deform permanently at under an applied load that is lower than its yield point. It is time and temperature dependent, the rate always increases with temperature.
Cupro-Nickel, Copper-Nickel
Alloys of Copper and Nickel, with between 10% - 45% Nickel, and usually small quantities of Iron and Manganese. Copper Nickels have outstanding resistance to sea-water corrosion.