SMS: Stainless Metric Stock - The UK's leading distributer of metric stainless steel
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Units 10/11/11a Waddington Way,
Aldwarke Wharfe Business Park,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 3SH

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Monday - Friday
08:00 - 17:00

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Sales hotline
+44 (0)1254 775133

The UK’s leading distributor of metric stainless steel

Image representing Paper & Pulp Industry

Paper & Pulp Industry

Paper & Pulp Industry

For over 25 years, SMS has provided an unmatchable standard of service to the paper and pulp industry. Our stock choice and completely comprehensive range match the need in every situation, from major installation projects to urgent maintenance and emergency replacement parts. And our guaranteed delivery standards, which help to provide crucial parts exactly when they're needed most, means that the industry can rely utterly on SMS to deliver on every occasion. It all adds up to a range and quality and standard of service that more than meets the paper industry's exceptionally demanding criteria, and which have made us far and away the leading supplier.

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