SMS: Stainless Metric Stock - The UK's leading distributer of metric stainless steel
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Units 10/11/11a Waddington Way,
Aldwarke Wharfe Business Park,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 3SH

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Monday - Friday
08:00 - 17:00

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+44 (0)1254 775133

The UK’s leading distributor of metric stainless steel

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500 - Metric Rectangular Tube

SMS-500 - Metric Rectangular Tube - Welded

Type 304L and Type 316L
Supplied in 6 Metre Lengths - Unpolished and Polished
Image of SMS-500 - Metric Rectangular Tube - Welded
RangeThicknessPer MetreCode
30 x 201.501.14500B030020
40 x 201.501.37500B040020
50 x 251.501.75500B050025
50 x 301.501.85500B050030
60 x 301.502.12500B060030
40 x 202.001.84501B040020
50 x 252.002.31501B050025
50 x 302.002.45501B050030
60 x 302.002.80501B060030
60 x 402.003.08501B060040
80 x 402.003.71501B080040
100 x 502.004.68501B100050
50 x 253.003.75502B050025
50 x 303.003.61502B050030
60 x 303.004.13502B060030
60 x 403.004.65502B060040
80 x 403.005.49502B080040
80 x 603.006.53502B080060
100 x 403.006.53502B100040
100 x 503.006.95502B100050
100 x 603.007.53502B100060
120 x 603.008.39502B120060
120 x 803.009.54502B120080
150 x 503.009.53502B150050
150 x 1003.0011.70502B150100
200 x 1003.0014.06502B200100
80 x 404.007.22503B080040
100 x 504.009.09503B100050
120 x 604.0011.10503B120060
120 x 804.0012.40503B120080
150 x 1004.0015.40503B150100
200 x 1004.0018.60503B200100
80 x 405.008.90504B080040
100 x 505.0011.30504B100050
120 x 605.0013.75504B120060
120 x 805.0015.38504B120080
150 x 505.0015.38504B150050
150 x 1005.0018.80504B150100
200 x 1005.0022.60504B200100
150 x 1006.0022.60505B150100
200 x 1006.0027.40505B200100

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