SMS: Stainless Metric Stock - The UK's leading distributer of metric stainless steel
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Units 10/11/11a Waddington Way,
Aldwarke Wharfe Business Park,
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S65 3SH

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Monday - Friday
08:00 - 17:00

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+44 (0)1254 775133

The UK’s leading distributor of metric stainless steel

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600 - Metric Angle Bar

SMS-600 - Metric Angle Bar

Type 316L and Type 304L
Supplied in 6 Metre Lengths
Image of SMS-600 - Metric Angle Bar
RangePer MetreCodeCode
20 x 20 x 30.88600A020020600B020020
25 x 25 x 31.12600A025025600B025025
30 x 30 x 31.35600A030030600B030030
40 x 40 x 31.83600A040040600B040040
50 x 50 x 32.30600A050050600B050050
25 x 25 x 51.78602A025025602B025025
30 x 30 x 52.17602A030030602B030030
40 x 40 x 52.96602A040040602B040040
50 x 50 x 53.75602A050050602B050050
60 x 60 x 54.58602A060060602B060060
25 x 25 x 62.09603A025025603B025025
30 x 30 x 62.56603A030030603B030030
40 x 40 x 63.51603A040040603B040040
50 x 50 x 64.46603A050050603B050050
60 x 60 x 65.40603A060060603B060060
70 x 70 x 66.35603A070070603B070070
75 x 75 x 67.37603A075075603B075075
80 x 80 x 67.89603A080080603B080080
100 x 100 x 69.20603A100100603B100100
50 x 50 x 107.11605A050050605B050050
60 x 60 x 108.69605A060060605B060060
70 x 70 x 1010.30605A070070604B070070
75 x 75 x 1011.95605A075075605B075075
80 x 80 x 1012.80605A080080605B080080
100 x 100 x 1015.00605A100100605B100100

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